(*)Constitutional Laws
Departments are organizations separate from the parliament that govern certain things. There are 3 types of departments:
Directorial Department (DD)
Independent Department (ID)
Regulatory Department (RD)
Monarchial Department (MD)
Each department has separate classification of documents and bills (ex. a parliamentary bill might be Bill 92, but the Directorial Department of State Media bill might be DDSM Bill 92).
Directorial Department
This type of department works independently of the parliament and regulates the laws however it sees fit, its leader being the prime minister of the country, or someone the prime minister appoints.
Department members are appointed by the leader of the department (director or someone they appoint).
Independent Department
This department works independently of the parliament and regulates the laws it concerns however it sees fit, its leader being elected by department members in an instant runoff vote.
Department members are appointed by the representative of Sahoki within IDSI (Independent Department of Saheok Intelligence).
Regulatory Department
A regulatory department is a department that does not regulate laws but rather the enforcement of the laws it concerns. The laws will be made and changed by the parliament, but they make sure they are followed.
Department members are appointed by the IDSD (Indepdendent Department of Saheok Defense).
An example of an RD would be the RDBS (Regulatory Department of Border Security).
Departments can organize themselves however they'd like, and so can have departments within itself.
A department can be created by the PM, and they can select which type it is. However, the CB (Court of Balance) can override the type if they deem the PM to be overstepping their power.
Departments can also be suspended, merged, etc under the power of the PM, but these actions can always be overrided by the CB (Court of Balance).
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